If you use Fedora (like me), and can’t find the development manual pages for e.g. printf(3) (like me), just yum install man-pages (like me).
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Symfony 2 Configuration – Array of associative arrays
Few days ago I have struggled with a problem using Symfony2 configuration. I wanted to add the following kind of configuration to config.yml:
acme_demo: transitions: - { hc_cba: 180 } - { cba_hc: -1 }
The problem was that the stuff under transitions is dynamic, so those hc_cba and cba_hc tags can be pretty much …
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Changing the session cookie’s name in Symfony 2
I have a development server, on which I have several Symfony 2.x projects under the same hostname in different directories. Now I’m facing a funny problem which is caused by that the cookies Symfony places for each of my projects have the same name.
To change this, you …
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SmsGateway and SmsSender
Symfony 2 – Create role- and class-based ACLs with your roles coming from the ORM
During the last weeks I had some serious issues with one of my private Symfony 2 projects. One of my goals was to create a dynamic security system, e.g my administrators wanted to create roles, and grant these roles access to different object types (classes) and/or objects.
So …
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Do-Not-Track in IE10 vs. Apache
Apache developer decided not to accept Do-Not-Track headers from IE10 users, because it’s enabled by default. So… if I install a plugin that hides the fact from the web server that I’m using IE10, I become eligible of using it. But if I do this, I simply became …
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How to start becoming a web developer
A friend of mine asked me today how to become a web developer. It took me a while, but I made up a checklist. It’s short, but it’s enough for the first steps.
First of all, learn English
Well, if you read this, maybe this was a bad …
Some thoughts about that dead Linux Desktop
There were some arguments in the near past on What Killed the Linux Desktop. After reading many replies, like Linus Torvalds’s, I have my own thoughts, too.
I know my place in the world, especially in the online community. I’m a Linux user for about 15 years and …
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Upgrades requiring a reboot on Linux? At last!
I’ve recently received an article on Google+ about Fedora’s new idea: package upgrades that require a reboot. The article said that Linux guys have lost their primary adoo: “Haha! I don’t have to reboot my system to install system upgrades!” My answer was always this: “Well, actually …
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SSH login FAILed on Red Had Enterprise Linux 6.2
Now this was a mistake I should not have done…
About a month ago I have moved my AWS EC2 machine from Amazon Linux to RHEL 6.2. This was good. I have moved all my files and stuff, recreated my own user, everything was just fine. Then I copied …
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