Apache developer decided not to accept Do-Not-Track headers from IE10 users, because it’s enabled by default. So… if I install a plugin that hides the fact from the web server that I’m using IE10, I become eligible of using it. But if I do this, I simply became …
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How to start becoming a web developer
A friend of mine asked me today how to become a web developer. It took me a while, but I made up a checklist. It’s short, but it’s enough for the first steps.
First of all, learn English
Well, if you read this, maybe this was a bad …
Some thoughts about that dead Linux Desktop
There were some arguments in the near past on What Killed the Linux Desktop. After reading many replies, like Linus Torvalds’s, I have my own thoughts, too.
I know my place in the world, especially in the online community. I’m a Linux user for about 15 years and …
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Samillinor’s Pride
It was time again. Day after day it was the same, and Samillinor was more and more upset about it. Since the temple was built her daily routine was the same: wake up with the Light, prepare the ritual, make the ritual, fail the ritual, eat something which she felt …
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Little Emma
As of date, little Emma hasn’t eaten for weeks. The whole family feared for her as only those tubes entangling her body kept her alive. Still, her eyes seemed happy, though she was dizzy and sometimes saw little globes of light. She was awake for hours, much longer than …
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Upgrades requiring a reboot on Linux? At last!
I’ve recently received an article on Google+ about Fedora’s new idea: package upgrades that require a reboot. The article said that Linux guys have lost their primary adoo: “Haha! I don’t have to reboot my system to install system upgrades!” My answer was always this: “Well, actually …
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SSH login FAILed on Red Had Enterprise Linux 6.2
Now this was a mistake I should not have done…
About a month ago I have moved my AWS EC2 machine from Amazon Linux to RHEL 6.2. This was good. I have moved all my files and stuff, recreated my own user, everything was just fine. Then I copied …
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Wordpress madness
Fast world, fast updates
We live in a fast world, that’s for sure. When I first heard about Ubuntu Linux and their goals, I was happy: they gave a Debian to everyone, but in different clothes. It had fresh software in it, and even they gave support of a kind. It was easy …
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PHP 5.4 released
After a long time of waiting, PHP announced 5.4 release on 1 March (also, today they announced that they finally migrate to Git, which is sweet from my point of view, but it doesn’t really matter).
About a year ago we became very agressive towards a developer who …
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