Gergely Polonkai

developer, systems engineer and administrator

  1. Ethical Hacking 2012

    Today I went to the Ethical Hacking conference with my boss. It was my first appearance at such conferences, but I hope there will be more. Although we just started to redesign our IT security infrastructure with a 90% clear goal, it was nice to hear that everything is vulnerable …

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  2. Dreamers

    We are the Dreamers. Others hardly believe that anyone could do it, although practically it’s possible. You just have to believe, but most people miss this ability.

    We are all different, and it’s just right this way. Should we be similar, the world would turn completely grey. Of …

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  3. Resurrection

    “Good morning, inspector.”

    “Good morning. What happened?”

    “We don’t know yet. A jogger found this young man about half an hour ago. No sign of violence, no injuries, no nothing. He has no ID, no driver’s license, no passport nor anything that could give us a hint on …

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  4. White cell

    Thomas stepped in his room. He felt strange but he couldn’t explain it until he closed the door behind him. The furniture, all his personal stuff, even the window and the door has disappeared, and the walls were glowing bright white. For a brief moment he thought he got …

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